The Pilot Course of the PaintingSkillsAcademy project took place on the 9th and 10th at the International Construction Fair 'MEGRA', held in Gornja Radgona last week.
The workshop, sponsored by PSA, was led by Master Painter Mr Konečny, who demonstrated and taught the students how to imitate wood and marble by painting.
The event was successful, with the high participation of young people from different European countries who tried their hand at this practice. Indeed, these events are helpful for them not only from an educational point of view but also to socialise and create collaborations.
Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije, which was present at the event, expressed its satisfaction, stating that these are specific initiatives that should be replicated. It has seen a lot of involvement, not only from the future painters, but also from the mentors of both Slovenian painting schools and the response of primary school children.
See some of the sites that have talked about this event:
- Prvo usposabljanje v okviru PSA evropske akademije slikopleskarjev
- MEGRO preplavili mladi: Preizkusili so se v gradbenih poklicih, tekmovali v gradnji mostov in sodelovali v kvizu
- (FOTO) Sejem Megra danes v znamenju izobraževanja
- Sejem MEGRA gradi trajnostne uspehe
And watch the video summary of the two days (from 8:00 to 12:40)